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Raggedee Anne
I am a mother of 4 and mother-in-law of one. I have 3 sons, 1 daughter and one son-in-law. I have been a member of the tagging/scrapping community for quite a few years now. I was known as LadyAnne for quite awhile, then Inzpired Dezignz. Though I had to change my name for circumstances beyond my control. We have 4 fur-babies, my gorgeous Golden Retriever, Maggie, A Siberian Husky named Juneau, A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Pippin (yes, from LOTR! He has a lot in common with his namesake!) and Shih Tzu named Duke...I know an 8 pound dog named Duke but he's my sons dog so... I also have one feathered baby, an Albino Love Bird. I love to create things! I am learning Photoshop and have been using Paint Shop Pro since it was version 5 (yeah, I know, back in the stone age! LOL!) Thanks for visiting!
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I'm so glad you stopped by! Please leave comments to let me know what you think of my scrap kits! Enjoy yourself!

Raggedee Anne
John 3:16
Monday, September 19, 2011
A far-out set of 10 papers (can also be used as PS Patterns if you like).  Each is 3600 x 3600 pixels and is saved at 300 dpi.  Please do not claim these as your own.  You may use them to make elements, etc.  but you may not use them as they are.  Recoloring does not count as changing them, sorry.  You must make something different from the papers.  Thank you for looking and as always, Enjoy!!

Available at the following stores:  Aussies Scraps Designs and Sunflower Scraps Boutique


For my sons: Zachery and Aaron